Complimentary scoop with every order!
Fragrance description: Sweet fruity notes open the fragrance with ruby pomegranate, berries and hints of rhubarb and delicate coconut. The smooth base of blonde woods is infused with creamy vanilla and musk.
Weight: approximately 115g per sweet jar
Burn time: we recommend adding 2-3 scoops of your sweet jar to enjoy 10-14 hours of fragrance.
Pure Pomegranate Sweet Jar
Scoop or pour the desired amount of scoopies from your sweet jar onto the top of your burner. Place a tea light underneath and light this to melt the wax above and release the fragrance into the room.
Once the fragrance has faded, which is usually 10-14 hours, replace this with another scoop from your sweet jar.
Orders will be shipped between 1-5 working days.